Montana Outdoors

July 30, 2007


Fireweed always provides a bitter-sweet feeling for me, but it does proffer the choice of contemplating beauty or tragedy in the ashes of what was once a bright green forest scene.

For some reason I have always viewed them as whole flowers, usually large groups of whole flowers. Today, perhaps because the drought that is holding Montana in its clutches has kept these beautiful flowers to a minimum and the large groups weren’t in evidence as I hiked in the Patrick’s Knob roadless area, I looked closely at a single blossom and I will never look at fireweed in quite the same way again.

Lit by the sun, a stalk of flowers creates a light and cheerful effect.


But when I found one in deep shade and focused on a single blossom, it showed me it can have a totally different character.

Fireweed blossom


  1. I remember first learning about fireweed from you last year. these pictures are really fascinating, seeing the whole group together and then the single blossom


    Comment by silken — July 30, 2007 @ 8:31 pm

  2. Nice shots. Good DOF.



    Comment by 47project — July 30, 2007 @ 9:21 pm

  3. Silken,

    I keep learning things from flowers. Well, better late than never. I guess the same thing applies to people: a group portrays an entirely different scene than an individual does.


    Comment by montucky — July 30, 2007 @ 9:25 pm

  4. Thanks, rich, and thanks for the visit!


    Comment by montucky — July 30, 2007 @ 9:33 pm

  5. It really is a lovely flower isn’t it? I found some down by the creek and found myself so attracted to the odd shaped petals. Your shots are wonderful (I really adore the first one) I love how the background blurred – very nice. Thanks for posting this one it really is easy on the eyes.


    Comment by aullori — July 31, 2007 @ 2:21 pm

  6. Thanks, Lori! I always look forward to the time when these bloom. This year though it’s so hot and dry that they are much less than normal, small and few blooms. Still pretty though.


    Comment by montucky — July 31, 2007 @ 2:40 pm

  7. These are great Terry, I agree with Lori on the first one, love the blurred bg and how you isolated the flower. Great work.


    Comment by Bernie Kasper — July 31, 2007 @ 7:12 pm

  8. Thanks, Bernie. I think I prefer the first photo too, and it is more typical of how the plant is viewed most often.


    Comment by montucky — July 31, 2007 @ 7:29 pm

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