Montana Outdoors

March 27, 2015

“Tis the prettiest little parlor that ever you did spy.”

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: , — montucky @ 8:12 pm

This morning as the overnight fog began to drift out of the valley, the webs were very noticeable.

Spider web

Spider web

Spider web

Spider web

Spider web

Spider web

July 5, 2007

Eight random facts

Filed under: Uncategorized — montucky @ 6:41 pm

My Inner Edge tagged me the other day for the “eight random facts” game, whereupon the ones tagged must divulge eight random facts about themselves. Since virtually all the facts concerning me are random, this should not be too hard.

The ground rules:

*These rules must be posted before giving you the facts.

* Players start with eight random facts/habits about themselves.

* People who are tagged write their own revealing blog about their eight random facts and post the rules. At the end of the blog post, you choose eight people to tag and list their names.

* Remember to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.

And the revealing but otherwise totally uninteresting facts:

In a previous life I was a U.S. Marshall in the Arizona Territory. (Not really, but it wouldn’t have been out of character.)

During the summer of ’60 I worked for the Forest Service fighting fires in Idaho and Montana. I have absolutely no idea why we did that.

I have lived at times in 7 different states and like the wild country of Montana best of all.

So far this year I’ve hiked 685 miles. The temperatures during those hikes have ranged from 2ºF to 92ºF, and the former temperature was far more comfortable than the latter.

On difficult hikes or ones in really rough terrain I wear a pair of “Logger” type boots made by a company named “Buffalo”. This is the same pair of boots that I wore when I worked for the Forest Service in 1960. They’re still in excellent condition. (Buffalo boots are made well enough that the soles can be replaced.)

I served on active duty with the United States Marine Corps from 1962 through 1966. I am a third generation Marine.

I don’t consider Homo sapiens an intelligent species, although a few of its individual members show traces of being so.

I firmly believe that a politician will win the next Presidential race. We are all to blame for that.
I will tag the following folks if they are interested in participating:

Skouba, Aullori, Adam, Bernie, Wolf, Pinhole, Knightofswords

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