Montana Outdoors

June 9, 2019

More May flowers

These are the rest of the wildflowers that I was able to photograph during May. Late rains have slowed down the bloom, but it looks like June will be a good month for flowers.


Meadowrue ~ Thalictrum occidentale

Field Pussytoes

Field Pussytoes ~ Antennaria neglecta

Bog Saxifrage

Bog Saxifrage ~ Micranthes oregana

This is a rather unusual member of the saxifrage family, but rather interesting because of the colors.

Upland Larkspur

Upland Larkspur

Upland Larkspur ~ Delphinium nuttallianum

Shooting Star

Shooting Star ~ Dodecatheon pulchellum

Indian Paintbrush

Indian Paintbrush ~ Castillleja miniata


Wild Violets ~ Viola Adunca

Lanceleaf Springbeauty

Lanceleaf Springbeauty ~ Claytonia lanceolata

Fairy Slipper

Fairy Slipper ~ Calypso Bulbosa

Probably the prettiest of the wild orchids in this region.

Elegant Cats-ear, Northwestern Mariposa

Elegant Cats-ear, Northwestern Mariposa Lily ~ Calochortus elegans

It’s a little unusual to see these in multiples.


Bitterroot ~ Lewisia rediviva

The Bitterroot is the state flower of Montana. It was cherished by the indigenous people for its roots.

Northern Cinquefoil, Villous Cinquefoil

Northern Cinquefoil, Villous Cinquefoil ~ Potentilla villosa

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