Montana Outdoors

July 3, 2016

A brief visit to Trail 345

Today I briefly visited a favorite old trail even though the day was a little warmer than I like for hiking. But a trail that had no visitors on a holiday weekend was still a good place to be.

Trail 345

USFS trail 345 on a bright summer day.

White Spirea, Shinyleaf Spirea

White Spirea, Shinyleaf Spirea ~ Spiraea lucida

Alaska rein orchid, slender-spire orchid

Alaska rein orchid, slender-spire orchid ~ Piperia unalascensis

Sickletop Lousewort

Sickletop Lousewort ~ Pedicularis racemosa

Scarlet Indian Paintbrush

Scarlet Indian Paintbrush

Scarlet Indian Paintbrush ~ Castilleja miniata

Pointedtip Mariposa lily, Three-spot Mariposa lily, Baker's mariposa

Pointedtip Mariposa lily, Three-spot Mariposa lily, Baker’s mariposa, ~ Calochortus apiculatus

June 28, 2016

Along a mile of trail

Yesterday after completing several things that have kept me from the trails lately (and pretty much away from the blog), I leisurely hiked the first mile of the Spring Creek trail (USFS trail #370), retreating from things that had been pressing and enjoying the deep shade of the canyon which was much cooler than the rather high temperatures in the valley. It was wonderful to see the wildflowers and gratifying to see so many species still in bloom.

Oxeye Daisy

Oxeye Daisy ~ Leucanthemum vulgare

herbal speedwell, Paul's betony

Water Speedwell, Blue Speedwell ~ Veronica anagallis-aquatica

Pointedtip Mariposa Lily, Three-spot Mariposa lily, Baker's Mariposa

Pointedtip Mariposa Lily, Three-spot Mariposa Lily, Baker’s Mariposa ~ Calochortus apiculatus

Woodland Pinedrops

Woodland Pinedrops ~ Pterospora andromedea

Alaska rein orchid, slender-spire orchid

Alaska rein orchid, slender-spire orchid ~ Piperia unalascensis

Grand Collomia, Large-flower Mountain-trumpet, Large-flowered Collomia

Grand Collomia, Large-flower Mountain-trumpet, Large-flowered Collomia ~ Collomia grandiflora

Lanceleaved Stonecrop

Lanceleaved Stonecrop ~ Sedum lanceolatum

Sticky Currant

Sticky Currant berries ~ Ribes viscosissimum

Harebell, Bluebell-of-Scotland

Harebell, Bluebell-of-Scotland ~ Campanula rotundifolia

Pipsissewa, Common Prince's-pine

Pipsissewa, Common Prince's-pine

Pipsissewa, Common Prince’s-pine, ~ Chimaphila umbellata

American twinflower

American Twinflower ~ Linnaea borealis

High Mountain Cinquefoil

High Mountain Cinquefoil ~ Potentilla flabellifolia

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