Montana Outdoors

April 21, 2017

Decorated by the morning dew

This year there are very few scouring-rush showing up and they are very small but they are decorated every morning just as they always are in spring.






Scouring-rush Horsetail, Common Scouring-rush, Dutch Rush, Prairie Scouring-rush ~ Equisetum hyemale

April 26, 2014

Fountain of raindrops

Common Scouring-rush

Common Scouring-rush ~ Equisetum hyemale

(Usually not seen at this stage of its development, or early on a cold drizzly morning, with an old black stocking cap for a background; nor photographed from a nearly prone position in very wet, tall grass…)

April 19, 2010

A very common plant but…

Scouring-rush horsetail

this one was so nicely decorated!

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