Montana Outdoors

July 1, 2013

This morning’s wildflowers

With the temperature headed for one hundred today, early morning was the only time for a short hike and yesterday’s post on Jomegat’s Weblog reminded me that the Pipsissewa are starting to bloom, an event I would hate to miss. The wildflowers don’t mind the heat, especially along a wooded canyon trail. There were other flowers in bloom as well.

Bluebell bellflower, Bluebell-of-Scotland, Harebell

Bluebell bellflower, Bluebell-of-Scotland, Harebell, Campanula rotundifolia


Pipsissewa, Chimaphila umbellata

Oneleaf foamflower, Sugar scoop, Western foamflower

Oneleaf foamflower, Sugar scoop, Western foamflower, Tiarella trifoliata

Common selfheal

Common selfheal, Prunella vulgaris


Twinflower, Linnaea borealis

Liverleaf wintergreen, Pink pyrola

Liverleaf wintergreen, Pink pyrola

Liverleaf wintergreen, Pink pyrola, Pyrola asarifolia

Nodding onion

Nodding onion, Allium cernuum

Spotted coralroot

Spotted coralroot, Corallorhiza maculata

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