Montana Outdoors

July 17, 2010

Cabin Lake (1)

There is a place in western Montana’s Cabinet Mountains called the Cube Iron – Silcox roadless area which consists of 36,997 acres or nearly 60 square miles of beautiful back country that is not accessible by motor vehicles. It contains many very scenic peaks and a large number of beautiful small lakes, all accessible by Forest Service trails. A week ago a friend and I hiked on trail 459 to visit one of the most easily accessible lakes, Cabin Lake. As a result, I know I will spend a lot more time on other trails in the Cube Iron – Silcox!

This trip (and one that we made two days later to Mount Headley) were so beautiful that I wish everyone could make those trips and see that part of the country for themselves. That thought made me decide to post a half dozen or so photos from the trip to Cabin Lake each day for awhile, the total of which should convey something of what the trip was like and I will post them in chronological order to show how the scenes along the trail unfold, from the trail head at about 4,600 feet to the lake at just over 5,900 feet and include some on the return, adding a minimum of narrative where it may be useful. If there is interest, I will do the same with the trail to Mt Headley.

As always, it is my hope that when folks see the natural beauty contained in our roadless areas, they will want to help preserve and protect them as much as it is in their power to do so.

Cabin Lake trail scene

Cabin Lake trail scene

Cabin Lake trail scene

Cabin Lake trail scene

Cabin Lake trail scene

Cabin Lake trail scene

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