Montana Outdoors

July 9, 2010

Little Buddy

Filed under: Animals — Tags: , , — montucky @ 10:55 pm

On a small patio at the back of the house, we keep a couple of saws, a small table saw and a radial arm saw because we are still doing some remodeling and other home improvements, and when they are not in use I cover them with a tarp.

Tree frog story

Tree frog story

To keep the tarp from blowing off, I set a few pieces of wood on it.

Tree frog story

If you look very closely along the bottom right of the 4 X 4 in the preceding photo you can barely see someone peeking out from under it. Here’s a closer look:

Tree frog story

He is (I guess) a little tree frog and here are a few pictures of him.

Tree frog story

Tree frog story

Tree frog story

(That’s a dime for size perspective.)

Tree frog story

He has chosen that particular spot for a reason that he alone knows and gets up there by some way that he alone knows. Over a dozen times now I have moved him to a flower bed nearby that has lots of ground cover for him to hide in when I needed to use the saws. The very next day, he is back again in that same spot under the piece of 4 X 4. Now, moving our Little Buddy has become a routine first step in starting a work session.

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