Montana Outdoors

November 26, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

Among many other things, I’m thankful for mountain peaks that are still pristine,

(Cherry Peak in the Cherry Peak roadless area)

Cherry Peak

places with southern exposures that look like this,

(the Bitterroot Mountains in the distance viewed from Penrose Peak)

From Penrose Peak

northern slopes still loaded with snow in July,

(The Northern slope of Penrose Peak on July 7th)

North side of Penrose Peak in July

and little critters that still live in these beautiful places as they have for thousands of years.

(Columbian Ground Squirrel in the Coeur d’Alene Mountains)

Columbian Ground Squirrel

Most of all I’m thankful that there are still folks around who also love places like these!

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

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