Montana Outdoors

June 24, 2017

Think cool!

Spring Creek

Spring Creek

Two miles up the Spring Creek trail on a hot summer day. Crystal clear, ice cold water cascading down a deep canyon under the canopy of tall, old-growth cedars…

September 27, 2016

And yet the stream still flows

Yesterday the large area that has been closed for nearly two months because of the thirty square mile Copper King fire was re-opened and all access restrictions have been removed. Today I was able to hike into the Spring Creek canyon and found that the stream is still flowing just five miles downstream from the fire area and the water is still clear and cold. It was so good to see the stream and its canyon again! In the next week or so I will hike into the burned area and see what it now looks like there.

Spring Creek

Spring Creek

April 9, 2010

Spring? What Spring!

Spring Creek trail

Along Spring Creek trail

Spring Creek trail

Spring Creek trail

On the Spring Creek trail today. As cold as it looks? No, much colder!


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