Montana Outdoors

April 21, 2014

Mid-April arrivals

As the weather here has warmed a bit more toward a more normal April, more species of wildflowers have begun to appear. Here are a few more species making their appearance, including one that I have not before noticed or identified; another member of the Saxifrage family (sure wish these were larger).

Oregon grape

Oregon grape

Oregon grape ~ Berberis aquifolium

redstem stork's bill, common stork's bill

Redstem Stork’s bill, Common Stork’s Bill ~ Erodium cicutarium

Northern Biscuitroot

Northern Biscuitroot ~Lomatium farinosum

Shooting star

Shooting star ~ Dodecatheon pulchellum

Maiden blue eyed mary

Maiden blue eyed mary ~ Collinsia parviflora

Glacier Lily; Dogtoothed Violet

Glacier Lily ~ Erythronium grandiflorum

Nuttall's saxifrage

Nuttall’s saxifrage ~ Saxifraga nuttallii

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