Montana Outdoors

July 3, 2011

Wildflowers of summer (1)

A few weeks ago I created a number of posts to display the wildflowers that bloom in a Montana Spring. Spring has become summer, and new species have begun to bloom. I will begin now to catalog as many as I can as the wildflowers of summer.

Yellow Sweet-clover

Yellow Sweet-clover ~ Melilotus officinalis 6/20

Viper's Bugloss

Viper’s Bugloss ~ Echium vulgare 6/20


Fleabane 6/20

Narrow-leaved Collomia

Narrow-leaved Collomia ~ Collomia linearis 6/20

Mallow Ninebark

Mallow Ninebark

Mallow Ninebark ~ Physocarpus malvaceus 6/20

May 28, 2010

I prefer “Daisy”.

Filed under: Montana, Wildflowers — Tags: , , , , — montucky @ 8:42 pm

Cut-leaved DaisyCut-leaved Daisy, Erigeron compositus

I’ve seen these frequently called “Fleabane” or “Fernleaf Fleabane”. That seems a bit mean: in my opinion they are much prettier than that!

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