Montana Outdoors

March 14, 2010

A search for a trail, surprise #2

Friday’s search for the beginning of an old trail was successful, but equally satisfying was a surprise at the beginning of the descent, when we walked right into this herd of elk, who had been snoozing just over a rise from where we made our ascent. After all of the time spent last fall hunting for them…


(See if you can find all thirty in the following photo.)


I especially like the two last summer’s calves at the left side who seem to be discussing the situation.

April 1, 2008

Elk and buttercups

Filed under: Elk, Environment, Montana, Nature, Outdoors, Photography, Photos, Pictures, Wildflowers — Tags: , — montucky @ 10:29 am

During a short trip into one of my favorite areas just a couple of days ago I had an experience that would be a thrill for anyone who loves wildlife.

A couple of miles from the road as I approached a high ridge, slightly to my right I saw four white-tail deer. As I watched them, a movement directly in front of me caught my attention and directed my eyes to a half dozen mule deer. And, as I was looking at them, I glanced at a patch of tan above them on the steep hillside and discovered a group of six elk grazing along there. It’s not often that one can see all three species together and be able to watch them all without taking a step!

A rather fumbling attempt to stalk into camera range of the elk was successful only in spooking the mulies who in turn spooked the elk, and so I came away with no photos of them. I’ll substitute this one taken while hunting in the area last October instead. It’s a hunter’s eye view.


After effectively spooking all the game in the area I continued up to the top of the ridge where, despite my bumbling, I was able to stalk within camera range of some buttercups, and had to chuckle because I noticed that earlier in the spring they had been fertilized by the elk. An interesting example of the benefits of natural biodiversity.

Buttercups and elk

January 15, 2008

What a place!

Filed under: Animals, Bighorn sheep, Elk, Montana, Nature, Outdoors, Photography, Photos, Pictures — Tags: , — montucky @ 9:50 pm

Above, elk browse a south-facing slope.

Winter elk

At my feet, a winter stream.

Winter stream


Winter stream

Above and to the right of the elk, a big ram surveys his domain.

Winter Bighorn

This is Montana!

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