Montana Outdoors

January 24, 2018

Family portraits

Filed under: Lichens, Winter — Tags: , — montucky @ 8:18 pm

On a walk today I noticed some Pixie-cup lichens that were making their homes on a small stack of rocks. They were growing in small groups spread well apart and reminded me of families that might have gathered to have family portraits taken.

Pixie-cup lichen

Pixie-cup lichen

Pixie-cup lichen

Pixie-cup lichen

Pixie-cup lichen

Pixie-cup lichen

Pixie-cup lichen

February 14, 2012

Waiting for a sunny day

Today was cloudy and cool, not snowing, not raining, not really cold, and not sunny, but I decided to visit Buttercup Ridge, a tiny ridge top where this area’s very first buttercups bloom each spring. And this one is ready, just waiting for the next sunny day:

Sagebrush Buttercup, Ranunculus glaberrimus

I had visited there on February 4th, and then it had looked like this:

Sagebrush Buttercup, Ranunculus glaberrimus

In addition to the Buttercups, in a small clear place amidst the snow that still blankets most of the ridge, I found that Nature has created a tiny arrangement of lichens and winter moss just for the pleasure of anyone who would take the time and make the effort to visit Her special little ridge.

Pixie cup Lichen, (Cladonia pyxidata) and ferns

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