Montana Outdoors

July 21, 2017

Two photo day

Filed under: Montana — montucky @ 10:26 pm

Koo Koo Sint Ridge

Today’s hike on Koo Koo Sint Ridge was truncated by the heat. Some days are like that.

Indian Paintbrush

The flowers up in that region are showing the effects of the very hot and dry weather. Even the Indian Paintbrush were dry and turning brown. This one which was growing in the shade was the best I could find.

Sunrise surprise

Filed under: Wildflowers — Tags: , — montucky @ 1:49 pm

Evening Primrose

Evening Primrose

Evening Primrose

Evening Primrose ~ Oenothera villosa

Yesterday there was no sign of these at all, but at sunrise this morning they were shining like bright yellow beacons.

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