Montana Outdoors

March 16, 2017

Buttercup Ridge ’17

Filed under: Wildflowers — Tags: , — montucky @ 5:41 pm

Warm weather and rain have finally melted much of the snow at the valley level in this area and at long last I was able to visit a place, which for some reason hosts the first Spring bloom of buttercups in this whole region. A week ago there was a foot of snow on the ground up there, but today hundreds of buttercups were in full bloom on the tiny top of “Buttercup Ridge”.

Sagebrush Buttercup

Sagebrush Buttercup

Sagebrush Buttercup

Sagebrush Buttercup

Sagebrush Buttercup

Sagebrush Buttercup

Sagebrush Buttercup

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