Montana Outdoors

October 20, 2014

Old trail… old dog…


High in the Coeur d’Alene Mountains across the river, autumn has just painted the ridge tops with long brush strokes as the western larch have changed out of their green summer jackets and donned bright coats of gold, and an old trail up toward Sacajawea Peak has been calling my name, telling me it’s time for another visit. The section of trail where this photo was taken in June of 2007 has been discontinued, but I think of it often and still know where it is. I would like to think that the wild hunter in the photo is still around; if he is, he’s a very old dog!

Rainbow Lake

Filed under: Montana — Tags: , — montucky @ 9:27 am

Rainbow Lake ~ Dog Lake

Rainbow Lake ~ Dog Lake

In the old days this lake on the Flathead Indian Reservation was called Dog Lake. I have never understood why the name was changed.

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