Montana Outdoors

March 6, 2011

Off the air for awhile

Filed under: White-tail deer — Tags: — montucky @ 11:29 pm

Tomorrow the ‘puter is going in for a tune-up and I will be off the air for a few days (or less with any luck). Finally ran into a problem I can’t fix myself so now it’s up to the Apple specialists at the Geek Squad. While I will miss the online world and all of my friends there our back yard visitors will provide plenty of entertainment.

Something nice about living away from the cities is the quality of those who visit, like these who visited today. The little Whitetail was born last summer, possibly in the small canyon off to the side of our house. The turkeys (and eight of their friends) have been daily visitors all winter. These aren’t great photos, but they were taken from our back door while we waited for the wildlife to mosey on up the hill so we could go out without frightening them.


Back yard visitors


  1. We don’t have deer here but we do have wild turkeys! They crack me up! I once watched one chase someone up and down the street! It was hilarious although not for the person being chased!
    Good luck with the ‘puter and hurry back, we will miss you. Oh and bring spring when you return!


    Comment by Roberta Warshaw — March 7, 2011 @ 7:41 am

    • The ‘puter is back up, happily! The turkeys, especially the Toms are big! I get a kick out of them too. We’ve kept food out for them during the worst of the weather and they got to the point that when I would go out the side door to give them some they would actually run toward me.


      Comment by montucky — March 7, 2011 @ 7:22 pm

  2. Beautiful pics… very crisp & clear… & aren’t they beauties!!! =)
    I miss that ‘quality’ of visitor… I used to live in the country, but had to move the to city! YuCk!



    Comment by Tricia — March 7, 2011 @ 8:12 am

    • We have had deer, elk, moose, Big Horn sheep, bear, cougar, raccoon, fox, coyote and wolf come through our yard beside all of the very small critters. We ove to see them!


      Comment by montucky — March 7, 2011 @ 7:24 pm

  3. From the looks of your two fine friends, they seemed to have weathered the winter in good form.

    For those of us privileged to live close among the four-legged, feathered and other of our non-human co-inhabitants, perhaps the greatest benefit is found simply in their presence.


    Comment by Dave at collinda — March 7, 2011 @ 8:14 am

    • Most of the wildlife in western Montana has done quite well so far. March now is critical because we often have heavy snow in March and they have used most of their reserves. It now looks like it will be relatively mild, so they should be able to go right into spring and start their summer in great shape!


      Comment by montucky — March 7, 2011 @ 7:27 pm

  4. Hi Montucky, Those pictures are great and so are the subjects. I am sorry your computer is sick. That happens sometimes. I also use Apple computer equipment. Have a great day and we’ll see you here again after you get the computer fix done.


    Comment by wildlifewatcher — March 7, 2011 @ 10:09 am

    • Yes, aren’t they pretty? I love my iMac and this is the first problem I’ve had. It’s fixed now though: I added a bunch more memory and it’s good again.


      Comment by montucky — March 7, 2011 @ 7:28 pm

  5. Healthy wildlife, beautiful shots. Hope you are back soon. I understand the computer problems quite well. Had them here. Not pleasant.


    Comment by Jack Matthews — March 7, 2011 @ 11:40 am

    • I got lucky, Jack! Found this morning that the Geek Squad would need about a week with the machine so I played a hunch, added a bunch more memory and it’s running like a colt again! Never been better!


      Comment by montucky — March 7, 2011 @ 7:31 pm

  6. I think the photos are great. I love the deer and the turkeys! And those sure are colorful turkeys. What wonderful visitors you have! I hope to see you back soon. šŸ™‚


    Comment by Anna — March 7, 2011 @ 1:40 pm

    • We have been astounded at the iridescent feathers on the turkeys that shows up very brightly in the sun. We love the visitors and try to be as kind to them as we can.


      Comment by montucky — March 7, 2011 @ 7:33 pm

  7. So neat to have wildlife visit, isn’t it? The turkeys are quite colorful. Ours are stuck in the woods right now. The snow crust didn’t last long, nor was it strong enough to get me out to the woods

    I use a Mac, too!
    Do you use a cord to load your photos? I was having problems, probably because my cord was worn out, so I got a card reader, and really like it.

    See you when you hook back up.


    Comment by sandy — March 7, 2011 @ 3:08 pm

    • I really like the iMac. We bought it in mid-2008 and this is the first real complaint we’ve had. Turns out it’s easy and fairly cheap to add memory and it did the trick. I had upgraded to OSX Snow Leopard and at the same time upgraded iPhoto to iPhoto’11. Just overloaded the hardware. I was pleased that it was such a cheap and easy fix, but quite disappointed that neither the techs at Apple or the Geek Squad recognized what should have been an obvious solution. Yes, I do use a cable, but the problem was in the processing. They loaded OK from the camera, just overwhelmed the processor.


      Comment by montucky — March 7, 2011 @ 7:38 pm

  8. There must be something in the air. My main computer lost a hard drive last week and I’ve been working from my back up for about a week. It’s slow but reliable.

    These are great shots. The white tail got through the winter in fine shape. And the turkey looks like it’s raring to go!


    Comment by Bill — March 7, 2011 @ 3:19 pm

    • We sure get to depend on these things, don’t we! I should know better: I used to be a pretty good geek, then didn’t keep up to date on the technology and there have been lots of changes. Anyway, an additional memory card did the trick!

      Yes, the white-tails I’ve seen have all bee in quite good condition. This little gal was nibbling on the new grass that’s popping up in the sunny spots. The sheep I’ve seen have come through winter well too. I read that some of the Grizzlies in the Yellowstone area are coming out already. Haven’t seen anything from our local black bears though: the snow is pretty deep on the shady slopes though. Another few weeks. The turkeys are doing their displays and have become quite loud and boisterous. They know more about spring than I do.


      Comment by montucky — March 7, 2011 @ 7:46 pm

  9. The pictures are great. If only mine turned out like that. šŸ™‚ (Don’t have money for a camera.)
    I hope your computer is fixed double quick.


    Comment by countrycowgirl — March 7, 2011 @ 4:52 pm

    • Thanks! Yup, the computer is up and running again. I got lucky!

      I had to stretch a bit for the camera equipment too, but my wife can’t physically get out nearly as much as I do and so years ago I started bringing back lots of pictures so she could at least see what I saw. I upgraded over several years and that’s about the limit for our entertainment budget.


      Comment by montucky — March 7, 2011 @ 7:50 pm

  10. What a pretty little doe. Our turkeys aren’t one bit friendly. I’ve seen their tracks in the woods all winter, but haven’t seen a single turkey.


    Comment by kateri — March 7, 2011 @ 7:46 pm

    • Turkeys are pretty strange critters. Probably because I put cracked corn or scratch out for them during the bad weather, they have gotten used to me and will come to within just a few feet. But when I come across some in the back country they as as wild as can be! When most of the snow has melted I will stop putting out food and they will go back up into higher country and hopefully will get back to a more wild state.

      We have been trying for about 30 years to get their numbers up to where they used to be and now I think they are just about there.


      Comment by montucky — March 7, 2011 @ 7:55 pm

  11. Such beauty in your backyard, montucky, and great that you could get a photo of the deer and turkeys together, just grand. Very glad to see that you’ve fixed your computer so soon!


    Comment by farmhouse stories — March 7, 2011 @ 10:02 pm

    • Thanks Cait! Over the many years that we have lived here I have been very pleased at how much of the wildlife seems to have embraced a coexistence with us. we have kept most of our property in its natural state, clearing just a reasonable area around the house to make it defensible from fire and the rest belongs to them. It has been well worth it!

      The computer seems to be doing well so far, with one little glitch. It’s many times better than it was before!


      Comment by montucky — March 7, 2011 @ 11:13 pm

  12. the pictures are great. what a fun sight! i still remember a turkey painting we had to do in elementary school. never seen a real (live) one….


    Comment by silken — March 8, 2011 @ 7:41 am

    • Getting to see these turkeys on a nearly every day basis has been quite an experience. They are amazing big birds!


      Comment by montucky — March 8, 2011 @ 9:20 am

  13. I missed this post somehow. Pretty awesome shots to be taken right in your own backyard.


    Comment by Candace — March 10, 2011 @ 9:27 pm

    • They are. We love seeing the wildlife around here. Their visits never get old! Tonight on the way to a fire department training I saw 20 white tails in a group just a half mile up the county road that runs past our house. I’m so glad that they are here!


      Comment by montucky — March 10, 2011 @ 11:05 pm

  14. Oh, they are great photo, both. Last photo I love most.

    I hope that You did not lose Your photos!

    Once, many years ago I lost all of my photos. I am using Windows and in that case I could not rescue them, although I was able to go to DOS, but all the file were zero bits.

    Then I learned to regularly to backup.


    Comment by sartenada — March 11, 2011 @ 1:01 am

    • No, I didn’t lose anything. I use an external hard drive for back-ups and there is a facility on my iMac that automatically backs up everything about once an hour. The problem I had was solved by the addition of 2G of additional RAM.


      Comment by montucky — March 11, 2011 @ 10:43 am

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